Welcome to our New Incentivized Testnet— The NODE FORGE Proposal Implementation
NODE FORGE is a test node operation team of NULS that runs nodes of nearly 10 public chain projects and provides masternode hosting services to handle all the necessary setup, support, maintenance, and updates for hosted masternodes.
More about NODE FORGE can be found on the official website. https://nodeforge.io/
NODE FORGE initiated a proposal in the NULS Community to maintain the long-term stable operation of the NULS test network. The proposal has been passed under the community fund application process and a node has been created for them. The node is used to incentivize more community members to maintain testnet nodes in anticipation of NULS 2.0 which will require dual testnet environments until the protocol swap.
Agent Address: Nse3xj9rLH8AP9x95VAUspAHRL3ceZoc
Reward Address: Nse57y9kMycCdCzfq4sbzSfP7f186Wwj
Details of the proposal can be viewed on the NULS Community website. https://nuls.community/d/259
After the proposal is officially launched, all NULS test network node maintainers will receive NULS rewards generated by this node. Finally, we invite our community members to actively participate in the maintenance of the NULS test network. The environment of the NULS test network needs to be consistent with the environment of the main network to help the security and stability of upgrades and development on the NULS main network.
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